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Custom 1 Person or Pet (Head and Shoulders) Small Portrait Painting

Custom 1 Person or Pet (Head and Shoulders) Small Portrait Painting

Have Jacob hand paint you a CUSTOM, one-of-a-kind original painting of yourself or a loved one or of a pet.




Its as simple as pay Jacob in full and email your photos to him to paint from. It can be from 1 photo that is perfect as is or a combination of a few photos, adding elements to merge into one idealized painting. Completing the painting typically takes 1-7 days to complete plus shipping times to you. Jacob is based in the Sarasota, FL area, so however long it takes to get to you! He will ship via a ground service... the most economical available to save as much money as possible (he hopes you understand since he will be paying for the shipping costs). Before Jacob has your painting packed & shipped, he will take a photo of the painting and message you to ensure you are satisfied with the painting.


Jacob will share a photo of the finished painting over email to ensure you approve the painting before shipment.


Specifications are:

- Professional grade acrylics painted on stretched canvas (approx. 7/8 up to 2 inch thickness).

- White borders (edges of canvas).
- The painting will come UNFRAMED but hanging wire can be attached on the backside of the canvas if you'd like to hang it as is. Please let Jacob know in the custom field if you'd like for him to add just hanging wire to the backside of the stretcher bars, otherwise your painting will not be ready to hang. Please keep this in mind.


- Jacob paints in an impressionistic, realistic style... meaning, it looks realistic, but when you get up close it will show the brush strokes, as well as areas will be "simplified" and exhibit basic shapes.
- The face (eyes in the case of an animal) will be the most "resolved" and polished looking, but will still exhibit brush work.
- The photos will always vary from in person viewing, especially the lighting, and the painting always looks better in person! So, please keep this in mind.

  • NON-REFUNDABLE POLICY (If already painted)

    Please understand if you decide for any reason after you hire Jacob to paint your personalized masterpiece, and he has done so, he will not be able to refund any payments out of respect of his time, talent and resources. I hope you can understand.

    If you decide before he starts painting that you need to cancel, then he will gladly refund you in full.

  • FREE SHIPPING (in continental US)

    Please be sure to provide Jacob with an accurate shipping address at checkout.

    Jacob is only offering this service to clients in the continental US. It is not cost effective for him at this time to ship paintings further. Thank you for your understanding.

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