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a side by side comparison
Scroll down for package basics and to see more recent imagery showcasing real couples & weddings that I have painted.
Please note that all live painting packages graciously include 7% Florida sales tax and credit card processing fees are included in totals. I will travel from the Sarasota, FL area to your event locally, nationally or worldwide.
Started and finished "completed all on site" at your wedding or event within 3 - 5 hours and handed over before I depart. Your painting will allow for 1 - 2 skillfully painted likenesses (people, pets / animals or vehicles) and some immediate ambiance. Your choice of canvas size from 24 x 30" up to 24 x 36".
Same wonderful aspects of the PRETTY package, but started at your event but finished later allowing for more details / refinements and larger canvas sizes. Your choice of canvas size from 24 x 36" up to 36 x 48" with each size allowing for more ambiance / perspective. Your painting will be completed in as little as 3 - 14 days after your event. If your painting will be local, hand delivery is included in this package or professional shipment is offered within the continental United States for an additional fee.
Same amazing aspects of the BEAUTIFUL package, but allowing for more likenesses (a total of 8) on a 36 x 48" canvas. Remember the more likenesses you choose the less ambiance and vice versa.
You get 2 paintings for an amazing deal (any combination of the 3 previous packages (please note if your want two PRETTY packages I can only do one while at the event and will do the other from photos back in the studio). This package is a perfect match if you want two scenes to be captured (for example: a ceremony painting and a reception painting). Your choice of which painting you want me to start painting at your event (if for a wedding, a ceremony is recommended so I can get the most done before I leave your reception) and I will finish that painting and start and finish your 2nd painting in my studio from the photos I take while at your wedding or event.
Visit the link below to submit a request to see if he is available with the hope of reserving him to serve you & your loved ones with excellence.
Please note, total pricing for packages range from $1,500 - 4,000 + depending on package selection, location (how far I need to travel), if shipment will be needed (if included in package type) etc. Typically Jacob requires a $1,000 deposit out of the total to save a date from other inquiries.
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